Building 8

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- timeline spread across three walls showing the main events before and during WW1

- documentary film about WW1 (but not of the type usually shown on TV channels)

- recruitment posters from that time


This building is a natural follow-on to Building 8 (Battle of the Somme) and was opened in 2014 for the 100yr anniversary of the start of WW1.

The small cinema in the building has a graphic and fairly rare film about the Battle of the Somme and the various advance preparations that were made.

In addition to the film there is an assortment of recruitment posters on the walls which, in themselves, make interesting reading.

The time-line is extremely informative and is spread out across three of the four walls. It covers the pre-war period from December 1870 to 1907, the major events of the 1914-1918 war and finally the post-war period from November 1918 onward.


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